ANU College of Law address on crisis, change and ‘being good’


This week I delivered the graduation address for the ANU College of Law, at the Australian National University in Canberra.

With Professor Stephen Bottomley, Dean, ANU College of Law
With Professor Stephen Bottomley, Dean, ANU College of Law

This was a special opportunity to reflect on the conditions and qualities that enable people to drive and deliver constructive change.

ANU Chancellor Gareth Evans addresses the ceremony
ANU Chancellor Gareth Evans addresses the ceremony

It was a real delight to return to the educational institution which set me up in such a great way for my own adult life and career, in Australia and beyond.

I wrote and presented this graduation address against the confronting backdrop of a hostage crisis in Sydney, which challenged many Australians’ assumptions about certainty and security.

Crisis often leads to reactive change that people wouldn’t otherwise choose.

How does ‘being good’ help us respond in a way that leads to more positive outcomes?

With the family of  ANU College of Law graduate Alisa Draskovic and Zoran Marinkovic of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia
With the family of ANU College of Law graduate Alisa Draskovic and Zoran Marinkovic of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia